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South Yorkshire's Mayor Oliver Coppard responds to government support for Doncaster Sheffield Airport


Published 29 January 2025 at 10:14am

“This is a hugely welcome intervention from the Chancellor, committing to work with us on our plans to develop South Yorkshire Airport City. That support from the government could be vital in helping us to re-open Doncaster-Sheffield Airport, and deliver our 10-year plan to unlock the significant potential of Gateway East. 
“I have been committed to re-opening DSA since day one. And the best way for us to give DSA the future it deserves is to get our plan right from the start, giving us the best chance to allow our airport to thrive, creating good jobs in the industries of the future, making best use of taxpayer's money and bringing down the carbon footprint of flying.
“The last government didn’t lift a finger to support our airport. That it closed with 800 direct jobs lost in South Yorkshire is in no small part down to their lack of support. By contrast, this government has now committed to working with City of Doncaster Council and with me because we share the same ambition for growth. And can see the significant opportunity presented by the South Yorkshire Airport City Plan; a plan to reopen DSA, build hundreds of homes and create a world leading sustainable aviation hub in South Yorkshire.
“But even with the support of government, none of that is easy. In the next few weeks City of Doncaster Council will deliver the full plan to the Mayoral Combined Authority Board. We will need to carefully review that plan while working with the government to get to a final decision by the summer.
“I know people and businesses want to see DSA re-open as quickly as possible. I’m grateful to Rachel Reeves and the government for now committing to work with us on the challenges and opportunities that presents, and help us towards that goal.” 


Last Updated: 29/01/2025

Published In: Business and Growth , Transport , Mayor , Featured