Growing Our Economy
The South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority is ambitious. We are seeking to transform our economy, to connect our businesses and people to economic opportunity, to build a stronger, greener and fairer economy, and to strengthen our reputation as a place where people want to live, work and invest.
We are working towards a refreshed Strategic Economic Plan (SEP) PDF 5.1MB - that sets out how our vision to grow South Yorkshire’s economy over the next 20 years. It outlines how we will build and sustain a competitive economy that unlocks growth and prosperity, creating a region that can survive and thrive.
Alongside the SEP sits our recently published Renewal Action Plan (PDF 10MB) which sets out how we can kick-start South Yorkshire’s social and economic fightback from the coronavirus pandemic, with an immediate £1.7bn investment in the region’s people, businesses and places.
What support is available?
South Yorkshire Growth Hub
The Growth Hub acts as a ‘gateway’ so that your business can access support when you need it the most and within the shortest timeframe.
Our team of specialists offer guidance in the following fields - visit our Growth Hub website pages for guidance on:
- business development and industry support,
- innovation
- trade and exporting
- start-up support
- accessing finance
- workforce training
In these unprecedented times, the Growth Hub can guide you through the wealth of advice and support to help your business recover from the impact of the Coronavirus lockdown.
For more information about this or to find out what support your company could receive visit call 03330 00 00 39 or email
South Yorkshire Invest
South Yorkshire is built on our heritage of engineering and manufacturing excellence and is known worldwide for creativity, innovation and hard work. We’re growing our economy by creating a culture in which businesses can start, grow and thrive.
By focusing on what we’re good at, from advanced manufacturing through to healthcare and renewable energy, we’re building a more prosperous place where people want to live, work and invest.
The Invest team is on hand to offer support in the following areas - visit our South Yorkshire Invest website for help and information on:
- building global and national connections
- our region’s unique assets and distinctive capabilities, plus the many compelling reasons to locate here in South Yorkshire and what investment opportunities we could offer you.
- Our India Growth Champions; businesses from our region that are on a programme to develop new networks and business opportunities in India.
Discover the portfolio of investible opportunities on our portfolio website.
For more information about South Yorkshire’s Investment services and to see what support your company could receive, call 0114 220 3444, email or visit the South Yorkshire Invest website.