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As a public sector organisation we are required by law to publish certain categories of information on a regular basis in the interest of Transparency. This page provides some of the information needed to meet this requirement. Other information can be found on the following pages: Mayoral Combined Authority ProceduresFinancial Information, and Freedom of Information

Waste Contract

Waste Contracts are published in line with Local Government Transparency Code 2015 in our published Contracts Register

CCTV Locations

Under the ICO Publication Scheme, SYMCA are required to publish the locations of the CCTV surveillance cameras operated by SYMCA or on SYMCA's behalf. 

Land Assets

Under the ICO Publication Scheme, SYMCA are required to publish details of all our Land and Building Assets.  

External Inspector Reports

SYMCA is committed to transparency and accountability, in accordance with the ICO Publication Scheme we publish our external inspector's reports, which are our Internal and External Audit Reports, within the Audit, Standards and Risk Committee papers. 

Counter Fraud Statement

We are publishing our Counter Fraud Statement to demonstrate our commitment to transparency, compliance, and integrity. It outlines our proactive measures to prevent, detect, and address fraud ensuring public trust and adherence to legal and regulatory standards. [COMING SOON]

Equality Objectives

The South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority is committed to promoting equality and value diversity encouraging fairness with equality changes for all to work, learn and be free from any barriers, discrimination or victimisation. 

Organisation Chart

Under the Transparency Code 2015 SYMCA is required to publish an Organisation Chart that includes the top three tiers of management and staff information such as their grade and job title. [COMING SOON]

Gender Pay Gap Statement

SYMCA publish the Gender Pay Gap Statement to ensure transparency, promote equality, and comply with legal requirements. It highlights disparities in pay between gender, helping us identify area for improvement and demonstrate our commitment to fair work place practise. [COMING SOON]

Ethnicity Pay Gap Statement

SYMCA publish the Ethnicity Pay Gap Statement to promote transparency, track progress in achieving workplace equality, and identify areas for improvement. It reflects our commitment to fostering diversity and inclusion whole meeting regulatory and ethical standards. [COMING SOON]

Trade Union Facility Time

South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority is committed to fostering a strong, collaborative relationship with the trade unions, recognised the vital role they play in advocating for fair and equitable treatment of our workforce. As part of our commitment to transparency, we publish Trade Union Facility Time in line worth the Local Government Transparency Code. [COMING SOON]