Together we can create a greener future for South Yorkshire
Here in South Yorkshire we are driving forward clean energy and low carbon solutions through innovation and collaboration.
Saving the environment isn’t just about speaking to the leaders in charge, as together we can all make a big difference in creating a brighter and greener future for everyone. Simply talking to your friends, neighbours and colleagues about what you are doing to be greener is a great start and can make a positive change in the local area.
Within this page you will find lots of useful hints, tips and information on how you can make a difference to helping the environment.
By working with businesses and the community, we are establishing ourselves as a leader in low carbon, resilient energy and are well positioned to deliver the Government’s Industrial Strategy ambitions for ‘affordable energy and clean growth’, being recognised as the ‘Green Heart of Great Britain’.
Energy Research Projects
Within our region there are currently a number of innovative projects underway where businesses are collaborating with our universities, with a view to securing a low carbon future.
These include:
- Offshore wind turbine technology
- Battery Technology – for longer running electric vehicles
- Hydrogen for use as an alternative transport fuel
- Minewater – to provide a source of low carbon energy for homes & businesses.
Find out more about our Energy Offer.
Helping to make South Yorkshire a greener place to live and work
Leading by example, we have already established a number of collaborative partnerships between academic institutions and businesses, including major research programmes that have led to innovative low carbon technologies.
Greener Travel
Using public transport or active travel modes to get around South Yorkshire is another way to help reduce carbon emissions.
Our tram network is green at the point of use, and we have over 175 bus routes across the county. And there are 31 Park and Ride sites covering rail, bus and tram too.
We’re working with the local authorities, customers and government to improve our public transport network in line with our Net Zero carbon ambitions. You can find out more in our Transport strategy (PDF, 6Mb)
Active travel isn’t only great for the environment, it’s great for our bodies too. Moving more can help us all to live a bit more healthily. Whether you’re cycling, scooting or walking, we have some brilliant infrastructure to help you make the journey – as well as some breath-taking green spaces on our doorstep. Find out more about active travel .
To find out more about ways to help reduce your carbon footprint by using public transport, check out Travel South Yorkshire.
South Yorkshire Natural Capital and Biodiversity Mapping
In collaboration with all four South Yorkshire Local Authorities and three additional partners, SYMCA has commissioned a detailed mapping evidence base of our natural environment. This report contributes detailed evidence of the benefits that natural ecosystems provide and the opportunities to enhance them (Pdf 25mb). This evidence base will be used to inform South Yorkshire’s upcoming Local Nature Recovery Strategy.
These maps are derived from multiple datasets and are modelled estimates of natural environment characteristics. As such, the data is not intended to provide an exact or full account of natural environment characteristics for each land parcel, but instead to guide policy and project development decisions.
For any enquiries please contact economy@southyorkshire-ca.org.uk.