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Business Advisory Board


The South Yorkshire Business Advisory Board is committed to growing South Yorkshire’s economy and driving business growth. It is made up of some of region’s brightest and best business leaders, who work together with the mayor to challenge, champion success and ensure the business voice is heard loud and clear.

The inaugural meeting of the SY Business Advisory Board was held at the Canon Medical Centre on Tuesday 21 November 2023. Left to right: David Cross, Richard Gould, Angela Foulkes, Sherry Kothari, Dawn Huntrod, Paula Gouldthorpe, Tariq Shah, Louisa Harrison-Walker, Ken Perritt, Roz Davies. 


The Board is co-chaired by Louisa Harrison-Walker, representing the three South Yorkshire Chambers of Commerce, and Tariq Shah OBE, Director of the Vigo Group – a leading, sustainability-driven, transformational property enterprise.

The second meeting of the SY Business Advisory Board took place at the Digital Media Centre in Barnsley on Tuesday 23rd January 2024.  

Members of the Board are:

The board will meet six times a year. Its role is to shape South Yorkshire’s thinking on short and long-term issues of importance to businesses and the region’s economic future, ensuring these are heard and considered by the MCA to inform its decisions.

It will deep dive into the urgent and important issues that face our region. This will provide much-needed insight to help shape and design innovative policies and programmes, and positively challenge our organisation and our partners. This will help to ensure that local support really works for our region’s businesses and communities.