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Have Your Say on the Police & Crime Plan Priorities

The South Yorkshire Mayor, Oliver Coppard, has launched a consultation to seek your views on the policing priorities being proposed for the Police and Crime Plan, which sets out the Mayor’s policing priorities for South Yorkshire Police over the next five years.  

As a South Yorkshire resident, it is important you have you have your say on areas of priority to help make South Yorkshire safer.

Following discussions with South Yorkshire Police, partners from across the wider criminal justice system, local authorities and communities the Mayor has proposed five overarching priorities:

1.  Improving trust and confidence in the police and criminal justice system.

2. Preventing and reducing crime and anti-social behaviour with a particular focus on:

    • knife crime
    • violence against women and girls
    • child sexual abuse and exploitation
    • anti-social behaviour like littering and graffiti that can make places feel unsafe

3. Improving safety on all our transport networks, reducing the number of road deaths and the unsafe and nuisance behaviour that negatively affects our communities.

4. Breaking the cycle of offending and harm by taking an end-to-end approach to address the underlying issues that can make people more likely to break the law.

5. Tackling the most serious offences and building resilient communities.

Now he would like to hear from residents and whether you think these are the right priorities for policing South Yorkshire.

It’s important that you have your say and help to shape the future of policing. The responses you provide will be used to inform the Police and Crime Plan that will set the Mayor’s policing priorities for the next five years. This will be published before the end of March 2025.

The survey will close at 11.59pm on 31 January.

 Take part in the survey by clicking this link or scan the QR code. 

Consultation QR code