We can help you upskill your workforce
A skilled workforce is the key to successful businesses and a successful city region. With two world-class universities, a host of further education colleges and an array of apprenticeships and adult learning opportunities, we are well placed to support business growth through skills investment.
With around 14,000 new apprentices every year, many colleges and training providers delivering training to young people and adults, and thousands of employers looking to upskill their workforce, the issue of skills is critical to all that we do in the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA).
Skills Bank
Skills Bank is a programme developed by the SYMCA Local Enterprise Partnership which matches private sector investment in skills training with public funding to help businesses invest in their workforce and improve their productivity. Funding is available to businesses that make a strong case for how the investment will deliver growth.
To help businesses during the Coronavirus pandemic, the Skills Bank team have set up two new strands of its programme for those companies working through the crisis, or businesses directly helping with the government’s Covid-19 strategy.
Find out more on the Skills Bank website
Working Win
Working Win supports people who have a health condition to find and stay in employment. If you’re looking for a new role, or struggling at work, you can sign up for free support. The Working Win team will work with you to build on your strengths, help you to feel settled and flourish in your role. You will also receive one-to-one support from a dedicated employment specialist.
For information on employment support programmes for those looking for work and resources for employers on how best to support employees head to our Working Win page.