The South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority and Local Enterprise Partnership have approved their 20-year Strategic Economic Plan (SEP), which sets out local leaders’ blueprint to drive the region’s recovery from COVID and transform South Yorkshire’s economy and society for people, businesses and places.
The SEP paves the way to a stronger, greener and fairer economy as the region looks to unlock its potential and create prosperity and opportunity for all.
Implementing its 20-year Strategic Economic Plan will mean by 2041 the South Yorkshire economy will look very different, with an extra £7.6bn GVA, 33,000 extra people in higher level jobs, reduced income inequality and improved wages by over £1,500 for the lowest paid, and a net zero carbon economy.
The Strategic Economic Plan has been developed in collaboration with South Yorkshire’s four councils and will help the South Yorkshire MCA and LEP secure additional funding from Government, such as through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
Read the Strategic Economic Plan (PDF, 5.1Mb)
Read a summary of the SEP evidence (PDF, 1Mb)
Renewal Action Plan
The MCA and LEP published South Yorkshire’s Renewal Action Plan in summer 2020. It sets out how we will kick-start South Yorkshire’s social and economic fightback from the coronavirus pandemic, with a call for £1.7bn investment in the region’s people, businesses and places.
The Renewal Action Plan is a COVID-19 specific, jobs-led plan, focused on addressing the direct and indirect impacts of the pandemic.
Read the Renewal Action Plan (PDF, 10Mb)