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Multiply – Numeracy Skills for Life


Numeracy skills for adults

If you’re an adult who does not already have a GCSE grade C/4 or higher in Maths, and you need to improve your numeracy, free courses are now available across South Yorkshire that offer supportive approaches to learning numeracy and maths skills.

Multiply is the new national programme, thanks to a £7.2 million investment by South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority, from the Government's UK Shared Prosperity Fund, that focuses on improving adult numeracy skills and confidence. 

Forming part of the Government's Skills for Life initiative; the free courses and initiatives are designed to build confidence with numeracy at work and home and will provide a range of skills; from helping individuals understand their personal finances to supporting children with maths homework, and are available to local residents on either a part time or intensive, full-time basis.

Barnsley - courses available now

Doncaster - courses available now

Rotherham - courses available now

Sheffield - courses available now

If you are a provider of Multiply - Skills for Life courses, view the full Multiply - Funding & Performance Management Rules here.