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Devolution consultation

The devolution consultation closed on Sunday 15 March. Thank you to all those who completed it.

Why did we consult?

Devolution is about transferring money and powers from central government; so that more decisions are made locally, which would otherwise be made nationally. Securing extra powers means that more decisions about your place will be made by the locally-elected Mayor and the Mayoral Combined Authority (including your council Leaders).

In 2015 a Devolution Deal was negotiated between local council leaders and central Government. The Deal offered new powers relating to economic development and an additional £30m of funding a year for the benefit of South Yorkshire, to improve infrastructure, transport, skills and housing.

Taking forward the South Yorkshire Deal requires some changes to the way the Mayoral Combined Authority already works. We want to know your views on the devolution of these powers and resources in South Yorkshire.

What is a Mayoral Combined Authority?

In May 2018, a new Mayor was elected for South Yorkshire. The Mayor is the chair of the Sheffield City Region Combined Authority, which includes Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council, Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council, Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council and Sheffield City Council. Residents in these four areas vote for the Mayor on a four-yearly cycle. The Mayoral Combined Authority works on issues like skills, transport and regeneration.

The Future

Subject to the South Yorkshire Devolution Deal being completed, the Government has agreed to progress discussions on the role and functions of a Committee of Leaders from across Yorkshire. All South Yorkshire councils, subject to the completion of a parliamentary process, will have the opportunity to join any wider Yorkshire devolution arrangement if they choose to do so.

All members of the Mayoral Combined Authority support the devolution of more powers and resources to benefit people across South Yorkshire and support the right of each individual council to the achievement of their individual devolution ambitions.

Have Your Say

To help us develop our ideas we have undertaken a detailed review. These are set out in detail in our Governance Review and Scheme. 

We wanted to know what you thought about these proposed new powers and changes to the way we work.

More information on the respective devolution positions of Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham, Sheffield councils is available below:

Barnsley Council

Doncaster Council

Rotherham Council

Sheffield Council