All feedback is welcome and will be acted on to help improve the services we provide.
If you’re unhappy with any aspect of work overseen by the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority, or about a decision, you can make a complaint.
Confidential Complaints Procedure
If you wish to make a complaint about a member of the Mayoral Combined Authority, please contact the Monitoring Officer at:
Legal & Governance
11 Broad Street West,
S1 2BQ
Email: Governance@southyorkshire-ca.gov.uk
What happens when you make a complaint?
On receipt, you will be contacted about your complaint and work with you to try to sort the problem out quickly and find a solution that you’re happy with.
If your complaint is about a subject that does not fall under the specific remit of the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority, we will assist with signposting you to the relevant organisation you need to contact.
Where we need to talk to other organisations about your complaint, such as the district councils, we'll always seek your consent to share your information with them.
If you’re complaining on behalf of somebody else, we may not be able to provide you with the details of any action we’ve taken. We may need to ask the person if they're happy for you to do this and for us to share their information with you.
The South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority complaints procedure has two stages:
Stage One – investigation
When we’ve received your complaint, we’ll contact you within three working days by telephone, email or letter. We’ll tell you how your complaint will be investigated and what happens next.
We will then:
- Talk to you about your complaint and find out what you want us to do about the problem
- Agree with you a timescale for dealing with it
- Allocate a person who is going to look into your complaint
- Write all of this down in a complaints resolution plan, for you to sign and keep a copy of
- Keep you updated on progress throughout your complaint
- Make sure that you get a full written response from the person who’s dealing with your complaint
Stage Two (complaint review)
If you’re not satisfied with how we’ve investigated your complaint, or with our response, you can ask us to look at it again.
We’ll work with you to:
- Find out what you’re unhappy with and about anything you feel has not been addressed by the investigation
- Write all of this down in a complaints resolution plan for you to sign and keep a copy of
- Pass the information onto the Monitoring Officer for them to decide if the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority can do anything further to resolve your complaint.
A compilation of received complaints will be periodically reported to the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority.
If you don’t feel your complaint has been sufficiently resolved
If you aren’t happy with how we’ve dealt with your complaint, you have the right to ask the Local Government Ombudsman to look into the matter for you.
Read more about what the Local Government Ombudsman will do and how to get in touch with them